Gorka Kobeaga will defend his doctoral thesis on Thursday, February 25th

Due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the defense will be held online and users will be able to follow it live

Gorka Kobeaga received a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country in 2013 and in 2014 he obtained a Master’s degree in Mathematical Modeling, Statistics and Computing. 

He joined the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM as a PhD student in 2016 within Machne Learning research line. 

His PhD thesis, Algorithms for Large Orienteering Problems, has been supervised by Prof. Maria Merino Maestre (UPV/EHU) and Prof. Jose Antonio Lozano Alonso (BCAM)

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the defense will be held online, through the platform BBCollaborate. It will take place on Thursday, February 25th at 11:00, and users will be able to follow it live using the following link: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/53696995f41b435dbf3985d33a5b12e6

On behalf of all BCAM members, we would like to wish Gorka the best of luck in his upcoming thesis defense.