Javier Canto will defend his doctoral thesis on Friday, December 17

The defense will take place in the seminar room of the Department of Mathematics at UPV/EHU and will be held online, users will be able to follow it live

Javier Canto received a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Basque Country in 2016 and in 2017 he obtained a Master’s degree in Mathematics and Applications by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

In 2018 he joined Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM as a PhD student in the Harmonic Analysis Research line.

His doctoral thesis, Geometric Harmonic Analysis: Cp weights, John--Nirenbger estimates and Hajlasz capacity density condition, has been supervised by Carlos Pérez (BCAM-UPV/EHU) and Kangwei Li, former Juan de la Cierva Postdoc at BCAM. 

The defense will take place in the seminar room of the Department of Mathematics at UPV/EHU, and will be streaming through the platform Webex. It will take place on Friday, December 17 at 12:00, and users will be able to follow it live using the following link: https://ehu.webex.com/ehu/j.php?MTID=m5af171f02e473cc3ee25abf086563d4a

On behalf of all BCAM members, we would like to wish Javier the best of luck in his upcoming thesis defense.