OPTPDE - Summer School - Challenges in Applied Control and Optimal Design

Data: Al, Uzt 4 - Or, Uzt 8 2011

Hizlariak: Prof. Juan J. ALONSO, Stanford University, USA ,Prof. Juan CASADO-DIAZ, University of Seville, Spain ,Prof. Jean-Michel CORON, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, France ,Prof. Maurizio FALCONE, Università di Roma, Italy ,Prof. Ronald H W HOPPE, Inst. of Mat

The main goal of this school is to offer a general overview of the state of the art in the Mathematical Theory of Control and Optimal Design, and the numerical analysis and computational aspects of those topics when addressing important applied and industrial problems in Fluid Mechanics and in particular in aeronautics.

This will be particularly useful for young researchers, both PhD students and postdocs but also an opportunity for senior researchers to meet and develop joint research. This School will also serve to attract people to this challenging area and to better orient future research efforts.



Hizlari baieztatuak:

Prof. Juan J. ALONSO, Stanford University, USA

Prof. Juan CASADO-DIAZ, University of Seville, Spain 

Prof. Jean-Michel CORON, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, France 

Prof. Maurizio FALCONE, Università di Roma, Italy

Prof. Ronald H W HOPPE, Inst. of Mat