orkshop on parallel computing frameworks for FEM - Circus & Rodeo

Data: Al, Eka 3 2019

Ordua: 11:00

Lekua: Seminar room, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM 

Hizlariak: P. Kelly, L. Mitchell, F.Wechsung, T.Collin, R. Scott, J. Jansson, T. Dancheva, M. Leoni, E. Krishnasamy, L. Gerardo-Giorda, J. Principe

Date: 3-5 June 2019
Time: 11:00-18:00
Location: Seminar room, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM 

Following the structure of Circus & Rodeo meetings, the program of this workshop will consist of randomly ordered talks volunteered by conference participants. Attendees are more than welcome to sign up to give a short talk during the event. 

Preliminary agenda:

Monday, 3 June:
- Johan Jansson (BCAM, KTH) 
- Tamara Dancheva (BCAM) 
- Massimiliano Leoni (BCAM, KTH) 
- Ezhilmathi Krishnasamy (BCAM) 

Tuesday, 4 June:
- Paul Kelly (Imperial College London) 
- Lawrence Mitchell (Durham University)
- Ridgway Scott (University of Chicago)
- Luca Gerardo-Giorda (BCAM) 

Wednesday, 5 June: 
- Florian Wechsung (University of Oxford)
- Teodoro Collin (University of Chicago) 
- Javier Principe (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña)



Center: Imperial College London, Durham University, University of Chicago, BCAM, KTH, UPC

Hizlari baieztatuak:

 P. Kelly, L. Mitchell, F.Wechsung, T.Collin, R. Scott, J. Jansson, T. Dancheva, M. Leoni, E. Krishnasamy, L. Gerardo-Giorda, J. Principe