Pixil Workshop - Exploring the subsurface for geothermal energy: A local and global perspective

Data: Og, Urt 28 2021

Lekua: Online

DATE: 28-29 January 2021
TIME: 9:39-12:00

Geothermal energy is a key energy source for a fully renewable mix. It provides efficient cooling and heating and can also produce a baseline electric output under certain conditions. In this event we will present novel approaches towards characterizing the subsurface and discuss their role in improving the uptake of geothermal energy sources. We will have a look at opportunities and barriers in Spain and France and discuss examples from other regions where geothermal energy is becoming a key component in a carbon-free energy future.

Josep de la Puente (BSC)
Rose Gregorio (BSC)
Emilia Becerro (BSC)
Emmanuelle Robins (POLE AVENIA)
Nicolas Gonthier (POLE AVENIA)
Margarita de Gregorio (GEOPLAT)
Ana Casillas (GEOPLAT)

The workshop will be available in Spanish, French and English through the use of live interpreters.

The programme includes plenary talks, lightning talks and roundtables. The list of confirmed participants includes, among others: Paul Bonnetblanc (French Ministry of Environment, Energy and the Sea), Philippe Dumas (EGEC), Jean Jacques Graff (AFPG), Ignasi Herms (ICGC and CEEC), Carmen López Ocón (IDAE), and James McAteer (GDG and coordinator of the GEO-URBAN project). The final schedule and list of participants will be available in early January 2021.


More info:
PIXIL - GEO-URBAN workshop page