Scientific Documents & LATEX in a nutshell

Data: Al, Mai 30 - Og, Eka 2 2016

Ordua: 09:30

Hizlariak: Carmen Alonso, BCAM

Dates: 30 May - 2 June 2016 (4 sessions)
Time: 09:30 - 11:30 (a total of 8 hours)

Scientific documentation in the form of reports, papers or thesis is the basic daily task of any researcher. Latex has a long tradition in the scientific community, due to its flexibility and high quality results. Despite its flexibility and potential, its usage is not so trivial.

This course is intended to provide a starting point for students without or with low experience on LATEX. The goal of the course is to provide a very basic knowledge of the most typical LATEX structures together with a set of basic software tools to ease student's life. After this course, the student will have set up a complete tool suite to deal with any aspect of scientific reporting using LATEX, including bibliography management. Moreover, as journal reviewer, the last day it will be dedicated to show some tricks and tips about paper writing, typical mistakes, etc.

The course material will be formed by slides with the main theory, and latex examples. It is not needed experience in LATEX. The classes (except the last one) are split up in two parts:
Theoretical: Main basic theory is explained
Hands-on: (30 mins) [Optional] Some practical exercises to test the theoretical concepts explained in each session. Please, bring your laptop for the practical part.


1. Software tools in Ubuntu
Hands-on Setting up your LATEX environment and tools
2. Latex in a nutshell
Hands-on: Latex document examples: compile, test and try
3. Bibliography management in Latex
Hands-on: Using a bibliography manager. Making your life easier
4. What's wrong with my paper? Tips & tricks from a reviewer point of view


[1] LaTeX courses:
[2] Inkscape Draw freely:
[3] Mendeley:
[4] TexMaker:
[5] Latex Templates:

*Registration is free, but inscription is required before 25th May: So as to inscribe send an e-mail to Student grants are available. Please, let us know if you need support for travel and accommodation expenses.




Hizlari baieztatuak:

Carmen Alonso, BCAM