Second Workshop of the HPC-GA Project

Data: Al, Mar 11 - La, Mar 16 2013

Hizlariak: E. Akhmatskaya, A.M. Aransay, G. Ashiotis, E. Artacho, F. Broquedis, E. Chaljub, V.M. Cruz Atienza, J. Díaz, F. Dupros, B. Escribano, L. Farina, V. Hjorleifsdottir, F.J. Méndez, J.M. Mercero, D. Michea, E. Miglio, E. Pérez, V. Perón, J. Tago, R. Tesser

Organizing Committee 
Jean- Francois Méhaut (INRIA, France) , Enrique Zuazua (BCAM, Basque Country-Spain), Elena Akhmatskaya (BCAM, Basque Country-Spain), Julien Diaz (INRIA, France), Leandro Farina (UFRGS/BCAM, Brazil/Basque Country-Spain) 

The second Workshop of the HPC-GA Project will be held in the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, in March, 11 - 15, 2013 in Bilbao. The workshop will bring together researchers involved in the large-scale simulation of geophysics phenomenon.

The EU funded HPC-GA Project concerns numerical modelling and high performance computing of geophysical waves propagation in solids and fluids. The goal of this workshop is to address the ongoing research by the members of the network ( INRIA (France)BCAM (Basque Country)ISTerre (France)BRGM (France)UNAM (Mexico) and UFRGS (Brazil) ) but also to be a meeting point for other scientists in Basque Country and Europe employing HPC resources in other fields. The topics that will be addressed in the workshop cover numerical methods, performance optimization of waves simulation in time and frequency domains, parallelism with runtime systems, seismic ground motion, fluid-structure coupling, scalability of elastodynamics equations on multicore architectures, ocean wave modelling and prediction, data mining, etc.

Funded by European Commission - Research Executive Agency by the 7th Framework 





BioGUNE, BCAM, BRGM, INRIA, ISTerre, NanoGune, Politecnico di Milano, UNAM, UFRGS, UPV/EHU, Universidad de Cantabria

Hizlari baieztatuak:

E. Akhmatskaya, A.M. Aransay, G. Ashiotis, E. Artacho, F. Broquedis, E. Chaljub, V.M. Cruz Atienza, J. Díaz, F. Dupros, B. Escribano, L. Farina, V. Hjorleifsdottir, F.J. Méndez, J.M. Mercero, D. Michea, E. Miglio, E. Pérez, V. Perón, J. Tago, R. Tesser