Traffic flow and intelligent motions of large groups

Data: Az, Mar 11 2009

Ordua: 15:00

Lekua: Bizkaia Technology Park, Building 208B E-48170 Zamudio - Basque Country- Spain

Hizlariak: Benedetto Piccoli

Traffic flow and intelligent motions of large groups

In recent years a growing interdisciplinary interest showed up for movin groups of intelligent agents, which includes vehicular traffic, pedestria flows, moving robots and animal groups.

We first review various results and applications about modelling o vehicular traffic via conservation laws, with special focus on networks. The we discuss an alternative mathematical framework,based on time-evolvin measures, which can be applied to pedestrian flows and animal/robo groups. The latter is still macroscopic but takes into account microscopi issues.

Hizlari baieztatuak:

Benedetto Piccoli