BCAM joins Inno Lab Bilbao (Bilbao Innovation Centre Association)
- The center will provide its capabilities and knowledge in the field of Data Science to this innovative platform that connects companies and technology
Inno Lab is a space promoted by Bilbao City Council, based on the use of new technologies, where companies and industry find a place to develop new proposals related to Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud, Internet of Things and Data Analytics.
Among its main objectives are the interaction with new technologies in the industry for the design of new applications, the creation of technological prototypes before their release to the market, the modeling of technological start-ups and the dissemination of knowledge about digitalization.
For this project, the city council has the support of the companies that form the "Asociación Centro de Innovación de Bilbao": BBK, IBM, Euskaltel, Corporación Mondragón, Universidad de Deusto, Iberdrola and Diario El Correo. Now, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM, joins Innolab as well, to contribute its skills and knowledge in the field of Data Science, one of the main areas of research of the center.
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