Mostafa Shahriari has defended his doctoral thesis
- The defense has taken place in the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of the Basque Country, located in the Campus of Leioa
Mostafa Shahriari joined the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics in 2014 as a PhD student within the Simulation of Wave Propagation research line. Previously he had obtained a Bachelor in Applied Mathematics at the University of Kashan (Iran) in 2011 and a Masters in Numerical Analysis at Isfahan University of Technology (Iran) in 2013.
His PhD thesis has been directed by Ikerbasque Research Professor at BCAM-UPV/EHU David Pardo and Shaaban A. Bakr, Assistant Professor from the Department of Mathematics at University of Assiut (Egypt).
On behalf of all BCAM members, we would like to congratulate Mostafa.
Thesis title: Fast One-dimensional Finite Element Approximation of Geophysical Measurements
LWD devices are useful both for reservoir characterization and geosteering purposes, which is the act of adjusting the tool direction to travel within a specific zone in order to increase the productivity of the reservoir. Since the geosteering performs in real-time, we require rapid forward solvers and inversion techniques to reduce the cost of drilling and improve the productivity from a well. In this Ph.D. dissertation, we propose using a rapid multiscale finite element method to overcome the limitations of the existing forward solvers. Moreover, we investigate the capability of deep neural networks as an inversion technique.
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