Master students from Université Paris 13 visit BCAM

  • 38 students from the French university have come to Bilbao to learn about the center and to explore the possibilities of the Internship and PhD programmes 

Professors Olivier Lafitte and Emmanuel Audusse and 38 of their students from Université Paris 13 visited the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM on January 24th. The day started with a presentation of the center by its new Scientific Director, J.A. Lozano where he talked about BCAM’s structure, its main research areas and some of the scientific projects that are being carried out at the center, particularly those related to industry.

After that, postdoctoral researchers Aritz Pérez and Daniel García Lozano talked about their research lines; Machine Learning and Simulation of Wave Propagation, respectively, and the mathematical methods they are currently developing with their teammates.

The visit continued with a talk by former BCAM researcher Ángel Rodríguez-Rozas who is currently working as an Associate Director and Quantitative Analyst in Model Validation at Banco Santander. During his presentation he explained how mathematical modelling is used in finance and some of its computational aspects.

Finally, the manager of the center’s Internship programme, Noemi Casero, talked about the different possibilities students have to work at BCAM; from internships where they can develop a part of their master thesis to the PhD programme where they can prepare a doctoral thesis under the supervision of one of BCAM’s researchers.

In words of Professor Lafitte, the students really enjoyed the visit because it was “very focused” on their interests, the topics they are studying in class and the possibilities of their future career.