The Lehendakari welcomes the researchers that have joined Ikerbasque in 2019

  • During the event, BCAM researchers Renato Luca, Maíra Aguiar and Luz Roncal received recognition from the Lehendakari.

Yesterday in Vitoria, the Basque President Iñigo Urkullu presided over the act of recognition for 41 scientists organised by the Basque Ikerbasque Foundation. All of them, through the programmes of Ikerbasque Research Professor and Research Fellows, develop their works in the several universities and research centres in the Basque Country. In addition, 12 other people changed category and consolidated their research career in the Basque Country through the Research Associate call.

The event was attended by Cristina Uriarte, Councillor for Education and Fernando Cossío, Scientific Director of Ikerbasque, as well as other heads of universities, research centres and technology centres in the Basque Country. 

Among them were the researchers from the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM Gianni Pagnini and Javier Fernandez de Bobadilla, recognized in previous Ikerbasque calls. Among the Fellows who received a diploma yesterday were Renato Luca, Maíra Aguiar and Luz Roncal belonging to BCAM's team of researchers. Renato Luca is a Research Fellow and carries out research on Linear and Nonlinear Waves. Luz Roncal is also a Research Fellow and she focuses on Harmonic Analysis. And finally, the area of study of the researcher Maíra Aguiar is Mathematics in Biosciences.

At the meeting Urkullu emphasized the need for "a greater presence of scientists women, especially at the highest levels". Related to this, Ikerbasque has incorporated many more women researchers through the Research Fellow programme this year. In order words, from the 26 people incorporated more than half (14) are women.

Currently, Ikerbasque has managed to weave a wide network of researchers in the Basque System of Basin, Technology and Innovation. This "network" has 270 researchers, including Research Professor (165), Research Associate (30) and Research Fellow (75), who work in the Universities and R&D centres of the Basque Country where they make their contributions about different fields of science, ranging from experimental sciences to humanities, medicine, technical studies, engineering or social sciences.