David Pardo and Vincenzo Nava participate in the third webinar of the MATHEO project
- The web seminar, organised by JRL-ORE and partners with the collaboration of Euskampus, will take place on October 30th
The third webinar of the MATHEO - Smart Mathematics for Offshore Wind project, organised by JRL-ORE and project partners with the collaboration of Euskampus, will take place on Friday October 30th, in which David Pardo, Ikerbasque Professor and researcher at the UPV/EHU and BCAM, and Vincenzo Nava, researcher at BCAM and Tecnalia, will participate. Under the title "Challenges in the application of deep neural networks to the offshore wind sector", it will deal with the basic principles of deep neural networks and their potential applications for the offshore wind energy sector. The detection of failures in the early stages of monitoring those offshore platforms, can allow a better planning of maintenance of these platforms reducing costs in general. Therefore, there will be a discussion about how deep neural networks, if they are designed in an appropriate manner, could help in achieving a better understanding of the structural health of the platforms and their subsystems. Furthermore, a case study developed by Ana Fernandez-Navamanuel, PhD student researcher at BCAM-Tecnalia, will also be presented. The webinar is free and will be given in Spanish. This webinar concludes a series of webinars related to the MATHEO project, funded by the Basque Government within the framework of the ELKARTEK Programme. Researchers from BCAM, Tecnalia and UPV/EHU have been involved in this project over the last two years to develop mathematical models to solve problems in offshore wind power systems. For more information and registration, please visit the following link: http://jrl-ore.com/event/matheo-webinars/
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