BCAM becomes a member of European Women in Mathematics
Taking part in this initiative is a further step in the centre's Gender Plan.
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM has joined the European Women in Mathematics (EWM) association as an institutional member. BCAM has previously collaborated with this association in the organisation of the Summer Camp on Non-local Interactions in Partial Differential Equations and Geometry. Being a member of EWM is a further step in the Gender Plan that the centre has been working on since 2019.
The EWM, founded in 1986, is an international association of women working in the field of mathematics in Europe. This organisation aims to promote the participation of European women in mathematics through the organisation of different activities such as talks, conferences, mentorships... in order to strengthen the role of women in the field of mathematics.
For BCAM, being part of this initiative means following the path that began with the centre's Gender Plan two years ago and, through EWM, being able to promote and strengthen the role of women in mathematics.
In line with this plan, BCAM promotes different activities that encourage the role of women in mathematics, such as the 11F initiative (talks given by women for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science) or the collaboration with the Women for Africa Foundation, among others.
For any doubts, queries or suggestions related to the Gender Plan, please contact Idoia Hernandez (ihernandez@bcamath.org).
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