Great success of the International Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling held in Bilbao
- BCAM researcher Michael Barton was one of the chairs of this international conference series that aims at all aspects of geometric and physical modeling
The International Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) is an international conference series that aims at all aspects of geometric and physical modeling, and their application in design, analysis and manufacturing, as well as in biomedical, geophysical, digital entertainment, and other areas.
The 2018 edition of the symposium took place in Bilbao and was organized by BCAM with the support of the Solid Modeling Association (SMA) and funding from the Basque Government, Siemens, King Abdullah University of Science and Technolgy (KAUST) and Elsevier. In fact, BCAM researcher Michael Barton was one of the conference chairs, along with Gershon Elber (Technion) and Helmut Pottmann (TU Wien). Jessica Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University), Takashi Maekawa (Yokohama National University) and Johannes Wallner (TU Graz) served as Program Chairs.
The symposium program included keynote presentations by highly recognized experts in the field like Kai Hormann (USI Lugano & NTU Singapore), Leif Kobbelt (RWTH Aachen University) and Charlie Wang (TU Delft), and more than 25 presentations of accepted papers covering topics from 3D fabrication or printing to physically-based modeling and simulation.
During the conference Helmut Pottmann was awarded with the 2018 Pierre Bézier Prize for outstanding contributions to solid, shape, and physical modelling. There was also an Industrial panel with speakers from several companies, including Tekniker-IK4, Sener or Siemens.
The photo gallery of the event and the slides from the participants who agreed to make their presentations public are already available on the SPM 2018 website.
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