BCAM, sponsor of the 29th International Biometric Conference
- The IBC brings together statisticians and others who are interested in the development and application of statistical and mathematical theory and methods to the biosciences
The XXIXth International Biometric Conference (IBC) that will be held from July 8-13 at the Barcelona International Convention Centre, is being hosted by the Spanish Region of the International Biometric Society (RESP). The event is dedicated to recent developments and application of quantitative methods in many different fields of the life and environmental sciences and it’s celebrated every two years in one of the 37 regions of the International Biometric Society, which has nearly 6.000 international members.
The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM will sponsor this event which brings together statisticians and others who are interested in the development and application of statistical and mathematical theory and methods to the biosciences, one of the center’s current research areas.
The program of the conference includes presentations of methodological advances, applications to specific subject-matter challenges, and educational offerings, and it’s already available on its website: http://2018.biometricconference.org/scientific-programme/
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