BCAM participates in the International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019)

  • 18 researchers from the center gave presentations at the world's largest event on applied mathematics, which was inaugurated by King Felipe VI and had more than 4,000 attendees

The Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics - BCAM has actively participated in the last edition of the International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019). The event, which took place in Valencia between 15 and 19 July, brought together more than 4,000 mathematicians from different countries to share the greatest advances in this discipline that contributes so much to industry and society in general.

BCAM is one of the entities with the greatest impact in the field of applied mathematics, both nationally and internationally, and this was acknowledged by King Felipe VI during the opening speech he gave at the inauguration of the event. His majesty stressed that mathematics is one of Spain's greatest assets in science and innovation, and highlighted the important work that centers such as BCAM, ICMAT or BGSMath have done leading Spanish mathematical research to occupy the seventh place in the world by number of citations. The monarch also underlined the importance of retaining scientific talent in the country, to continue moving forward.

Precisely, 18 high level BCAM researchers participated as speakers at ICIAM, giving presentations on topics as varied as the application of mathematics for battery optimization, fire prevention, risk reduction in surgical procedures or the latest advances in Machine Learning techniques and Artificial Intelligence.

In addition, ICIAM TV featured the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics with the broadcast of a video presentation of the center. Besides BCAM's Scientific Director, Jose A. Lozano, the video also introduced researchers and students of the center, and the renowned scientists María J. Esteban and Carlos Kenig. Esteban is research director at CNRS, the National Centre for Scientific Research in France, and professor at the Université Paris-Dauphine. She is also the current President of ICIAM (International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) and the head of BCAM’s Scientific Committee, a board made up of 7 recognized mathematicians from different countries that directs the scientific strategy of the center. Kenig is a Louis Block Distinguished Service Professor at University of Chicago who was appointed president of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) in 2019 and is a regular collaborator of Luis Vega (BCAM-UPV/EHU).


Finally, the center had its own academic booth at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Valencia, where conference attendees were able to learn more about BCAM's collaboration projects with industry and the many job opportunities it offers for scientists in this field and students in mathematics.